If you’re an executive or a celebrity, your home is your castle. You have hired security, protection systems, and probably personal protection as well at home. However, much of that tends to travel with wherever you happen to be. So, the home ends up with a reduced level of protection as a result. That makes it a juicy target, especially when you’re gone for an extended period of time. Celebrities and executives in Los Angeles, for example, are finding this out again and again, being burglarized repeatedly.
In terms of physical protection, hands down professionally-trained security dogs remain a top-performing resource for protection and viable security long-term. Where digital security stops being useful beyond just monitoring, and mechanized defenses are severely limited by anti-trap laws on the books, dogs are able to be both thinking, active responses to problems and great deterrents and active monitors of perimeters. Given the right direction and discipline development, security dogs can sense problems before people do, react faster and travel distances in shorter time, and they are extremely effective within legal constraints as long as they stay on the property of the owner.
The effective longevity of canines is also a key reason for executives buying protection dogs in Silicon Valley, for example. A healthy dog can easily last a decade of service and remain effective as a security protection as well. And the same animal builds on experience and intelligence during that time as well. That depth and adaptability only makes the dog even more effective in later years than when it first starts.
Of course, taking on a canine as a security resource is more than just owning a gadget. The animal has to be cared for and interacted with to maintain loyalty and effectiveness. So, in many respects, there needs to be a dedicated hand in charge of the dog, whether that’s the owner or an identified person who takes responsibility for the animal. Many executives and celebrities choose to be hands-on with their animals, and then designate an assistant for the dog’s care when absent or separated from the dog.
Supplementing security with a system can be so important but it can take time for police to arrive. There are some areas of the country that have a long response time due to the spread-out nature of the town. You could have to wait up to an hour in some cases which is why a security dog is such a great investment. You want potential thieves or those breaking into homes to think twice about heading to your home. A large dog might be enough to deter some while others will only be questioning their decisions if there is a specific breed of dog.
With direct guidance from a professional training service, a new security dog owner can become competent quickly in knowing how to manage a security canine as well as how to grow with the dog over time. And that bond becomes personal and lasting as a result, which makes the dog’s service that much more effective too.
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