October 15, 2024

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8 Proactive Measures to Make Your Home a Safer Space

8 Proactive Measures to Make Your Home a Safer Space

Life can get hectic in a busy household even on a normal day. With all the distractions of Zoom calls, work from home, appointments, and after-school and work commitments, the chance of accidents happening increases greatly. You can make your home safer by being proactive. Take these 8 measures at home for a safer space.

1. Avoid Home Break-Ins

Technology has made staying safe from home break-ins much easier these days. Motion detector lights installed around your property outdoors will go a long way in deterring people with bad intentions away from your property. Add a home alarm system, and you have another layer of proactive safety. Invest in smartphone software to protect your home and valuables while you are away.

2. Detox Your Home

Chances are, your home needs a good detox. Accidental poisoning is a major cause of death in the country. Check this list of common household products for toxicity. Replace them with non-toxic products wherever possible, and keep all potential sources of poison out of the reach of children and pets.

3. Protect Your Home Against Pests

Tiny, unseen dangers lurk in the nooks and crannies of your home and on porous surfaces. Your home must be protected with a certified and reliable pest control service. Rodents and insects like mosquitos and termites not only carry diseases, they can compromise your home’s structural integrity. Mold, mildew, and environmental toxins are also hard-to-see pests that certified professionals can control.

4. Stay Cybersecure

The internet provides a window for your family’s safety to be breached. Discuss online safety with the kids and elders in your household. Change passwords often and use ones that are difficult for hackers to guess. Never post personal information online and update your router’s software periodically.

5. Have a Plan

Stay prepared for emergencies. Sit down with the family and make a plan for what to do in case of fires and natural disasters. Stock supplies that could get you through a minimum of three days without power or water. Have a designated meeting place and an alternative. Purchase a survival kit or create one yourself with water, nonperishable food, a first aid kit, and other emergency supplies.

6. Eliminate Hazards in the Home and Yard

Falls around the house are all too common and can cause more serious injuries than you may think. Declutter your living spaces often and have “a place for everything and everything in its place.” Keep rock salt on hand for winter and treaded shoes by the door.

7. Use Kitchen and Food Precautions

Bacterial infections and food poisoning can happen abruptly. Before preparing food, wash your hands and produce thoroughly with an antibacterial hand soap. Store and prepare meats separately from other foods, and always cook eggs, meat, and dairy to the appropriate temperature.

8. Invest in Fire Safety

The majority of house fires happen in the kitchen. Always monitor your appliances while cooking. In other parts of the house, keep clutter away from space heaters, and don’t leave candles and open flames unattended. Make sure you have a properly working smoke and carbon monoxide detector.