As much as you want to engage yourself in an everyday exercise routine, life can get busy. Despite your great intentions, sometimes the idea of getting up and getting dressed and getting out the door is just plain exhausting.
By exercising at home, you don’t have to go anywhere. And this makes it a much better solution – as long as you know what to do.
Below are 5 tips to help you get started exercising at home.
1. Make Exercise Part of Your Routine
Exercise should be part of your daily routine. It should be something you do — like brushing your teeth or setting your alarm before bed. You never want to make it an afterthought or something you dread, or you will never do it.
Fit some sort of exercise into your agenda each day. It could be the first thing you do after you wake up. Or, perhaps an opportunity to release the energy from the workday before you sit down to dinner.
Everyone has a different schedule. Find what works for you so that it will stick.
2. Keep It Simple with Minimal Equipment
Let’s be real – if something is too overcomplicated or requires too much effort, we are more likely to walk away from it.
Your at-home exercise routine should be simple. Invest in a few minimal pieces of equipment, such as a jump rope, small handheld weights, bands, a mat, and the like. There are many different ways you can move your body and feel good. You don’t need all the added hassle of heavy equipment.
3. Find Accountability
When exercising at home, you may not have anyone holding you accountable. Does anyone really know that you didn’t complete the entire workout video? Will anyone notice you didn’t get up in time for your morning stretches? Is anyone going to ask when the last time was that you had a good workout?
Whether it is easy to admit or not, we know that when someone holds us accountable we tend to do better. In other words, we check ‘exercise’ off our to-do list because we know someone is counting on us to do so.
Accountability is an important part of sticking to your health journey. This role can be filled by a friend, a family member, a co-worker, or even a health or nutrition coach. Find someone who understands the importance of why you are doing what you do — and ask them to hold you accountable.
4. Take Advantage of Technology
There are apps available that can guide you through exercise routines, track your progress, and help you develop healthy habits. And the internet offers a plethora of videos showing routines, tips, and ideas to help you along.
Take advantage of these throughout your health and wellness journey.
5. Get Outdoors
An at-home workout doesn’t have to always be inside your home. The beauty of taking charge of your routine is that you can choose the where, when, and how of working out. If you want to head outside and do yoga as the sun sets, then go for it. If a morning run seems just like what you’d need to get your day going, then put on those running shoes.
Get creative and design an exercise routine you will actually enjoy. It will make it so much easier to show up each day.
The nutrition coaches of Beyond the Box Nutrition take you beyond dieting, helping you to create a balanced lifestyle and a healthy relationship with food with a plan designed to fit your life.
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