January 23, 2025

Thrive Insider

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4 Hacks for Getting a Better Physique

4 Hacks for Getting a Better Physique

Improving your overall health and fitness should be everyone’s goal – even if you’re a top athlete, there are things you can do to make yourself healthier. Our health is everything, it will not only help determine the quality of our lives but also the longevity too, so for that reason we need to do all we can to invest in it and ensure we are as healthy as possible. Here are my top 4 hacks for getting a better physique, hopefully there are some new suggestions you can try.

1. Pick Up a New Sport
One of the best ways to get a more slim and toned body is to become more active. However for many of us spending hours each week at the gym isn’t that appealing. Why not pick up a new sport that you can enjoy, that way you’re moving your body and working out without really realizing. There are plenty of sports that don’t require much gear to get started, such as badminton – all you need is a pair of Yonex Badminton Shoes and a racket and you’re good to go.

2. Try Intermittent Fasting
If you’ve not heard, intermittent fasting is an eating style where you intentionally have longer periods of ‘fasting’ which helps give your body more time with lower insulin levels. Before you freak out, we naturally fast every day, most of us fasting overnight while we sleep. So it is just a case of extending this fasted time so you get additional health benefits. Some people also choose to do longer fasts, such as 24, 48 or even 72 hours. Before you consider fasting, please consult with your doctor to see if it is a good fit for you.

3. Learn About Macros
Macros are types of food groups – which fall into the three categories of fats, carbohydrates and proteins. All food we eat has a combination of these food categories, but as humans we need certain ratios for optimum development. Learning about macros can be a great way to take charge of your health and wellbeing. You’ll be surprised by what lowering your carbohydrates and increasing your proteins can do for your physique.

4. Cut Out Eating Out
Eating out is one of the fastest ways to get hidden calories in your diet. Restaurants are known to use things such as butter to add flavor to meals, which is delicious, but of course adds in a lot more calories than you’d normally eat. When you consider that portion sizes are also a lot bigger too, eating out regularly can be a recipe for disaster if you want a slim waistline. Limit eating out to special occasions and if you’re hoping to meet up with friends and family, why not do something more active like a hike or a walk.

Focusing on your health and physique is a great goal which can have benefits in many areas of your life. You’ll never regret focusing on your health. Our health is everything, it will not only help determine the quality of our lives but also our longevity too, so for that reason we need to do all we can to invest in it and ensure we are as healthy as possible. Making mindful shopping choices such as finding sustainable shoes can help our mental and physical health. 

Our health is everything, it will not only help determine the quality of our lives but also our longevity too, so for that reason we need to do all we can to invest in it and ensure we are as healthy as possible.