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6 Reasons to Use a Lawyer to Help Divide Property in a Divorce

6 Reasons to Use a Lawyer to Help Divide Property in a Divorce

Dividing property during a divorce can be a very difficult ordeal. Regardless of the motivations behind a separation, it is always wise to seek the support of a professional attorney during this process. Here are six pertinent reasons to consult a lawyer while divvying assets upon the dissolution of a marriage.

1. Maintain a Rational Approach

At its core, divorce is a fundamentally emotional experience; however, it is important to avoid letting feelings interfere with the best possible outcome. A divorce lawyer can help you filter out intense reactions and instead focus on the facts. Their ability to help you compartmentalize can stave off potentially devastating losses; plus, they might find a way to get you even more material gains than expected.

2. Understand Local Statutes

The steps to a divorce may vary depending on where you live, so it is wise to find lawyers who are well-versed in your region’s laws. In addition to handling prenuptial arrangements, a law office can also ensure fairer decisions when it comes to child support and alimony. The resources of a shared business can also be allocated responsibly. Ultimately, it is important to understand the legal requirements of your locale before any stipulation is signed or judgment is entered.

3. Prevent an Unfair Negotiation

Let’s face it: even if you decide not to get a lawyer, nothing can guarantee that your former partner will make the same decision. If you choose to represent yourself while they get legal help, the result can be extremely unbalanced. Additionally, an attorney may be able to uncover occurrences of hidden property or unreported assets. In these cases of deceit or fraud, you may very well end up with the advantage when the dispute comes before a judge.

4. Protect Your Most Valuable Property

Conferring with a divorce attorney will grant an opportunity to deduce what belongings are most critical to retain. If compromise is inevitable, you can at least protect your most sentimental items. Heirlooms should be safeguarded, and lawyers typically know how to get faulty claims dismissed.

5. Expedite the Resolution

Divorces can take a long time to reach finalization, and disputes over property are one of the factors that often lead to lengthy battles. Legal aid can ensure all assets are succinctly itemized in a fashion that both parties accept as fair. We can all agree that it is better for everyone involved if a divorce is completed in months as opposed to years. If your ex resorts to stalling tactics, you will be equipped with a full repertoire of countermeasures.

6. Close the Chapter Permanently

If the final agreement isn’t airtight, new issues and appeals could arise in the future. A knowledgeable divorce attorney will make sure to craft a stipulation that closes the door on potential disputes and challenges going forward. If you don’t want unfortunate reminders of the past reappearing years down the line, make sure to get proper representation before heading to court.

If you are going through or are about to begin the divorce process, consult with a lawyer to help keep property division fair.